Personalized PROFILE PAGES in Service Pack 10

Saturday, May 1, 2010

(Members Only Software, Inc.)

We're starting this month to make our Service Pack 10 available to users. There's a bunch of new stuff in this release, but there is one feature we are particularly excited about - the Personalized Profile View of  CRM records.

The Profile view was designed specifically for those executive users who spend little time in data entry or maintenance but need quick, comprehensive, and easily readable views of members, prospects, or donors. These users also tend to very particular about what information the see and in what order they see it.

So we've built these pages so can personalize the Profile for each of your users -- without any programming or scripting. Just drag a section handle up or down the page to move it permanently to that new location. Or shut a section off entirely - it can be brought back at a moment's notice. You can click the Change Skin menu to alter the background, font, and colors. If you are a bit more daring,  you can tailor these pages even further by altering the style-sheet or the template.  So you can give it your organizations' colors and logo, or accommodate your staff's preference for a light or dark background. In fact, each user can have a different skin and configuration for this page.

And most importantly, each of your users can choose whether to have their personalized PROFILE view, or the traditional data entry view, as the default view of a person or organization. 

We'll be rolling Service Pack ten out to users over the next several months. If you are eager to get a preview of the new features, just drop a note to and he'll be glad to give you a quick demo.

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