Social Networking Links in the CRM

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Social Networking Links in the CRMIs there any way I can link a contact person's key social networking links to his record? For example, I'd like to be able to make a single click on somebody's record and view his twitter stream.

Easily done. First, you need someone with supervisory rights to do a wee bit of setup.

1. In the DropDown definitions (Supervisory/System Setup/Drop Down Maintenance) add the PhoneType Twitter.

2. Open the mo.ini file, and in the [Phones] section (to us, everything is a phone. go figure.) add the definition twitter=

That all the setup that is needed.  Just record a person's twitter username along with her phones, emails, and web site. Make sure you give it the type twitter. The account/number should just be her username. At any time, if you double-click on it, your browser will open and take you right to their twitter stream.

You can do the same for linkedin or any other popular networking site.

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